When deciding on the perfect puppy from a sizable litter of 6- to 10- week-old pups, it’s exceedingly wise to take a few essential factors into consideration to ensure that you make an educated and well-informed decision. Firstly, it’s integral to take note of each little pup’s actions towards their siblings and humans. It’s a great sign if a puppy is cheerful, exuberant, friendly, and not excessively timid, as these are excellent character traits for any puppy.
If you have a preference when it comes to physical traits such as coat color or breed size, it’s beneficial to keep an eye out for those. Another valuable aspect to take into account is examining the parent’s temperament and physical traits, – there’s a high possibility of the puppy inheriting these traits as well. Lastly, it’s extremely important that you spend quality time with each individual puppy to make sure you choose the one that fits your lifestyle and meets the requirements of your home environment. This decision is of the utmost significance as your pup will be your lifelong companion. Sometimes, if the puppy is not shy or timid, he will choose you and follow you.
To test a pup’s fearlessness, take a plastic pop bottle or small jug and put small rocks in it. Throw it in the air, while you are alone and not too close to the pup. When it hits the ground 20 feet away, watch their reaction. If they run away, they are timid; if they look at it, they are interested; and if they run over to it and investigate it, they are fearless.
“So, how do you pick a pup out of a large litter like these pups below? They are too young to choose from. People are buying too soon. A pup should be 6 to 8 weeks old before you choose. Good breeders will give you a two-year written contract against ears and hip problems. You should check for good breeders that are well-known by AKC (American Kennel Club). You need to ask for a written contract and breeding rights before you put your money down. Get a contract.”
Look at the young pup (above on the right). His ears are straight up and his eyes are alert and focused he he looks like a very solid puppy with a solid build!
“The puppy on the left looks good. His feet are turned out, so it would be good to watch him walk and run and wait to see if his ears stand. It could take 6 months to a year. The closer together, the better. Do not pet his ears back. Some say tickling between the ears will strengthen the cartilage between the two ears and make them stand strong. I have done this with success. Watch the front and back legs very closely to make sure they are straight and strong.”the other pups probably bad breeding but you can not tell at 8 weeks unless you see the dam and sire that is why you should always ask for a two year contract with a respectable breeder.
These two dogs have nice ear formation even though the right ear on the black shepard is a bit short it may still correct itself However the dogs above except for the pup have ear problems that will never correct themselves. The Shepherd puppy is to young .German Shepherds ear sometimes do not stand for 6 mounts to 1 year.
“I chose these four pictures to show you what to look for: a perfect little beagle. His front and back legs are straight and squared off, with good chest muscle and a bit higher shoulder than the back end a nice squared off head and muzzle He has a look that says “I am ready.” I chose a picture of a white puppy to show what squared off legs look like from the back. The perfect Rottweiler is one of my favorites. Look closely at the eyes of these dogs. it’s what you are looking for – they are ready to go to work!”
Imagine being a very young 6 year old child just like a young small puppy. You are taken away from your mom and dad and brothers and sisters and placed with an unknown human, who is now asking you to follow him.
Not only that but to experience things you probably never have before. There are three different temperaments we try to use to try to determine the puppies reaction these are simple tests.
1. When you go to pick out your puppy, try and picture what it is you are looking for. Whether it is a free dog or a five thousand dollar dog it will be the same.
2. Determine what it is you are looking for in your new family member. Example a hunting dog, or a family pet or a guard dog. This tips will help you to figure out the temperament of the dog and how it may fit your expectations.
3. Look at all the puppies in the litter which one react first to you being there, and second to their litter mates. If one should come toward you first, pick that puppy up. I use colored ribbon to differentiate between the puppies. (Of course you need to speak with the breeder first before attempting any testing of puppies) making sure puppies are not fed before you get there.
Things you can use when visiting the puppies:
1. Small multi-colored ribbons to tell pups apart small Christmas ribbons work great and are cheap.
2. Small nylon rope with a old t-shirt a old fur toy with a tail tied to its end for prey drive test
3. Next I use 1 gallon empty jug for noisemakers ( i.es mall amount pebbles or dried beans) to tell puppies reaction to something loud and unfamiliar. I have used a plastic water bottle in a pinch
4. Kibbles-treats (liver is great) again make certain pups were not fed prior to your visit very important
5. Wear long pants and long sleeve shirt so when you are on your knees playing with him at the end of the testing some pups will bite on legs an arms if he likes you.
The test takes about 5 to 10 minutes with each puppy. Be aware of puppy fever you will be as excited as the pups the first time! We all get it.
There are some simple tasks to narrow down the search. Knowing what it is you are hoping for in your new puppy, whether it be a family pet, or more of a guard dog or a hunting dog will help you assess the reactions of the pups when tested.
Remember to keep in mind your expectations of what you want from your dog even after the simple testing is done. It is easy to get caught up in the moment.
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